Russian Baby Boy Names

Russian Baby Name Generator

Unique Russian Boy Names & Meanings


Laurente (russian form of lawrence laurel)

Laurentij (crowned with laurel)

Lavrentii (of Laurentum)

Lavrentiy (of Laurentum)

Lavrenty (of Laurentum)

Lazar (my God has helped)

Lenya (lion)

Leonid (lions son)

Leontii (lion-like)

Leontiy (lion-like)

Leonty (lion-like)

Lesta (lestie)

Lev (Lion)

Ludmil (People, tribe)

Luka (from Lucania)

Lyov (lion)


Makar (blessed)

Makari (blessed)

Makariy (blessed)

Maks (great)

Maksim (the greatest)

Maksimilian (the greatest rival)

Maksimillian (great)

Marko (of mars, the god of war)

Markov (of mars, the god of war)

Marlen (form of Marlen)

Matfei (form of matthew)

Matvei (gift of God)

Matvey (gift of God)

Matysh (gods gift)

Maxim (the greatest)

Mefodiy (method)

Melor (Communist Creation)

Mendeley (comforter of the mind)

Michail (form of michael who is like god?)

Mikail (who is like god)

Mikhail (who is like God?)

Milan (Gracious, dear)

Miron (myrrh)

Miroslav (Peace, world)

Mischa (like god)

Misha (who is like God?)

Mishe (russian form of michael god like)

Mishenka (russian form of michael god like)

Mitrofan (mother-appearing)

Mitya (loves the earth)

Modest (moderate, sober)

Modya (moderate, sober)

Moriz (dark skinned)

Motka (gods gift)

Motya (gift of God)

Mstislav (Vengeance and glory)


Naum (comfort)

Nazar (of Nazareth)

Nazariy (of Nazareth)

Nestor (Homecoming)

Nicolai (russian form of nicholas victory of the people)

Nikhil (complete)

Nikifor (victory-bearer)

Nikita (unconquerable)

Nikodim (victory of the people)

Nikolai (victor of the people)

Nikon (Victory)


Oleg (dedicated to the gods; holy)

Olezka (holy)

Onisim (Profitable, useful)

Ony (eagle)

Orel (eagle)

Orrel (eagle)

Osip (God shall add another son)


Pabiyan (russian form of fabian bean farmer)

Pankrati (all power)

Pankratii (all power)

Pankratiy (all power)

Pasha (small)

Pashenka (little)

Patya (most high, supreme)

Pavel (small)

Pavipv (little)

Pavlik (little form of paul)

Pavlo (little form of paul)

Pavlusha (little)

Pavlushka (little)

Pavlushshenka (little)

Pavlya (little)

Petenka (stone)

Petya (rock, stone)

Pratham (first)

Prokhor (leader of the dance)

Prokopiy (advance, progress)

Prokopy (advance, progress)

Pyotr (rock, stone)


Radomil (happy favor)

Radomir (Happy, willing)

Rishim (sage)

Robert (Bright fame)

Rodion (sprung from a hero)

Rodya (sprung from a hero)

Rolan (famous land)

Roman (Roman)

Romochka (a roman)

Roshan (illumination)

Rostislav (Growth, glory)

Rostya (usurp-glory)

Rudolf (Fame, wolf)

Rurik (famous power)


Salvik (pet form of stanislav)

Samuil (heard of God)

Sasha (defender of mankind)

Sashura (defender of mankind)

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Saveli (Sabine; a follower of another religion)

Saveliy (Sabine)

Savely (Sabine; a follower of another religion)

Savin (Sabine; a follower of another religion)

Savva (old man)

Semyon (hearkening)

Serafim (sergeant)

Serge (servant)

Sergei (form of steven)

Sergej (sergeant)

Sergey (sergeant)

Serguei (the attendant)

Sevastian (from Sebaste)

Sevastyan (from Sebaste)

Shashenka (defender of man)

Shura (defender of mankind)

Shurik (defender of man)

Shurochka (defender of man)

Simon (flat- or snub-nosed)

Slava (Glory)


Spiridon (spirit)

Stanimir (stand, become)

Stanislav (Become, glory)

Stanislov (glory)

Stas (glorious government)

Stefan (crown)

Stepan (crown)

Svyatopolk (Blessed people)

Svyatoslav (Blessed, holy)

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Taras (to cross, to transgress)

Terenti (rub, turn, twist)

Tikhon (hitting the mark)

Timofei (to honor God)

Timofey (to honor God)

Timofiy (to honor God)

Timour (iron)

Timur (Iron)

Tit (fire; to burn)

Tolenka (from the east)

Tolya (from the east)

Toma (twin)

Tosya (beyond expectation)

Tusya (beyond expectation)


Urie (god is light)

Ustin (form of justin)


Vadim (to know)

Valeri (to be healthy, to be strong)

Valerii (to be healthy, to be strong)

Valeriy (to be healthy, to be strong)

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Valery (to be healthy, to be strong)

Vanechka (gods gift)

Vanja (God is gracious)

Vann (God is gracious)

Vanya (God is gracious)

Vanyusha (gods gift)

Varfolomei (son of Talmai)

Varfolomey (son of Talmai)

Varnava (son of exhortation)

Vas (royal)

Vasili (king)

Vasiliy (king)

Vasily (king)

Vassi (royal)

Vassily (king)

Vasya (king)

Venedikt (blessed)

Veniamin (son of the right hand)

Venyamin (son of the right hand)

Vikenti (conquering)

Vikentiy (conquering)

Viktor (conquering)

Vitali (of life; vital)

Vitaliy (of life; vital)

Vitaly (of life; vital)

Vitya (of life; vital)

Vlad (ruler)

Vladik (peaceful or has glory)

Vladimir (Great, famous)

Vladislav (Rule, glory)

Vladmir (has peace)

Vladmiri (has peace)

Vladya (peaceful)

Vlasii (talks with a lisp)

Vlasiy (peaceful ruler)

Volody (peaceful)

Volya (Will, freedom)

Vova (peaceful ruler)

Vsevolod (Rule, all)

Vyacheslav (more glory)


Yakim (Jehovah raises up)

Yakov (supplanter)

Yaromir (spring peace)

Yaropolk (spring people)

Yaroslav (spring glory)

Yasha (supplanter)

Yefim (Well I speak)

Yefrem (fruitful)

Yegor (Earth-worker, farmer)

Yemelyan (rival)

Yermolai (people of Hermes)

Yevgeni (well born)

Yevgeniy (well born)

Yevgeny (well born)

Yuli (descended from Jupiter Jove)

Yulian (descended from Jupiter Jove)

Yuliy (descended from Jupiter Jove)

Yuri (earth-worker, farmer)

Yurik (farmer)

Yuriy (earth-worker, farmer)


Zakhar (whom Jehovah remembered)

Zasha (peoples defender)

Zernebog (black god)

Zhenechka (noble)

Zhorah (farmer)

Zinoviy (life of Zeus)

Zivon (alive)

Zory (farmer)